Monday 23 May 2016


Hikone is a city of around 110,000 people on the eastern shore of Lake Biwa (where our lovely guide Amy rows). Built by 1622, Hikone Castle is one of 12 feudal castles remaining in Japan, from an original 100.  The castle has been maintained in good condition.
It is a steep walk uphill but bamboo poles are available to assist.

The stone ramparts were impressive and in excellent condition after 500 years.      
This bell was recast in 1844.  It is heard every 3 hours 5 x day from 6am.
 Shoes off, bamboo poles discarded, we walked inside.  Steep staircases led up to defensive positions and hiding holes.  I went backwards down, as on a ladder.

A feudal lord
This six panel screen was in the pleasure quarters of the castle.
Hiding place
Knock out centres and shoot!!    

View of Lake Biwa from castle
 Genkyu-en Garden is located to the northeast of Hikone Castle. It was built in 1677.  During September, it is open in the evening so visitors can listen to the chirping of insects.
This couple, renewing their vows, invited Katherine to join the picture.

After a good lunch in Hikone we travelled on an Express train to Kanazawa, a journey of 2.5 hours.

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